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Friday, August 23, 2013

What to do when Ransomeware holds a PC hostage?

What would you do, if you get up in the morning, open your system and instead of being greeted by the family picture wallpaper, you are shown warning sign. You will probably go blank. You will see that the message is through a law enforcement agency that is threatening you regarding malicious content on your system. It can be pornography that they have found on the computer and that is why it has been frozen by the agency and steps will be taken against you. Pick yourself up, it’s a “Ransomware”. A Ransomware is a Trojan horse like malware that is holding up your computer on hostile grounds. So, yes, it is just fabricated software meant to feed on your fear and your money. 

The first thing that you should do, when you encounter such a thing is, call on the systems guy, in case of office. You do not have to worry about any other thing. Do not go online to find solutions, which will see you ending up with more malwares in your system. There are few trusted websites, which offer offline help, to malware infected system owners, who have tried everything. They will require you to follow their instructions telephonically. You will be asked to do certain actions with the log files, for the Ransomware to be detected and cleaned off. 

It should be remembered that when the Ransom ware pops up, it immediately starts your webcam, which takes your picture and pastes it on the fake notice. Do not think that it is not fake. Then after, don't try to do anything online, as it will further activate all other related malwares to make their presence and get downloaded on your system. It is a way of these criminals to take money out of you, in order for you to get rid of the illegal stuff you have on your computer. Please don't engage in transferring any amount to the scammers who have frozen your computer and data. It will be a solution to get rid of the thing, but it will also give them the courage to approach more systems like yours. In turn making their extortion racket successful. IT personnel and engineers have access to tools that identify the malwares and get your system rid of them. All the solutions are through offline sources, remember that.

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