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Saturday, August 24, 2013

How to deal with the Windows Registry issues on Windows 8?

Windows is one of the most popular Operating system in the world. Almost everyone starts of their knowledge in computers using windows. Taking evolution a step further, Windows launched Windows 8, software announced as path breaking and revolutionary. Windows 8 is quite a sensitive system and a loss of a registry file can be disastrous for it. It may slow down the computer enormously, making tasks to be done requiring high execution times. This is since registry files are the backbone of the operating system that is running on your computer.

Registry files not only help in running of your operating system smoothly without any lag, but they also help in running of several other programs in your machine, like software, games applications etcetera. Now the question is how should one deal with the registry issues in windows 8? As a matter of fact windows 8 has an in built recovery aspect better known as the automatic repair. This feature automatically scans and repairs the issues that cause this operating system not to perform smoothly. There are numerous software that can help one in cleaning the registry issue on windows 8. These software are available for trial version and even the full version can be bought for an affordable price. The trial versions are usually free and they work only up to a certain limit like the number of clean ups or any number of days, whereas to use the registry cleaners and repair wizard  on a regular basis one has to purchase the full version.

It is always better to prevent than to cure later on, same law applies to registry issues. One can always keep his operating system free from all kind of errors and malwares. Purchasing original windows OS and having a good cleaning application helps a lot, one does not have to depend only on registry cleaners to repair the broken or missing files like .dll etcetera. Wiping out the software and reinstalling it again on the computer may also help at times, if you have installed the windows 8 OS just a few days or months back, you can always reinstall it without any lags or problems.

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